The constructors are probably the trickiest of the members to consider, but let’s start with them anyway as we need to see how objects (struct values) are initialised before we start to perform other actions on them.
A constructor is a special method that is used to initialise an object created from the struct. This is called in one of two ways:
- When a struct variable is declared.
- When the new keyword is used to create an object on the heap.
Constructor - Why, When, and How
When you start to work more within the struct, it is probably always a good idea to create a constructor that can initialise everything just the way you want. This can accept parameters, and use the provided values to set fields of the object when it is created, or it can just allocate default values that make sure things work as expected. In any case, the idea is to make sure that each object is always set up in a way that will mean it works straight away.
In our example code, the new_contact
function performed the same role in the original struct code. This can be coded into the constructor in our contact. This will initialise each object created from the struct, ensuring that it always has valid data within it. The great thing with the constructor is that it can be used to initialise values on the stack and on the heap, which our original new_contact
function could not do.
Similar to constructors, you can also hook into the code that occurs when the object is destroyed. This may occur when a stack based object goes out of scope, or when you explicitly delete
an object from the heap.
You would use the code in the destructor to clean up any additional memory, or other resources, allocated to your object.
In C++
The new and delete keywords
C++ also include a new keyword that can be used to create an object (allocate memory for it on the heap) and delete to remove the object (free that memory). new
is given the name of the type of object to create, and will allocate space on the heap for that object, and call the matching constructor to ensure it is initialised. You can then use the object to perform the tasks you need. When you are finished, you free the memory using the delete
keyword, and passing in a reference to the object.
Here is another example of a struct with some fields, a constructor, and a method.
When you look at this, notice that the combination of new
and the constructor perform the same steps as we had previously coded within something like a new_stock
function. The new
takes care of the memory allocation and the constructor takes care of initialising the data within the value created.
Notice in the above code that you can also use the constructor for stack allocated stock. The syntax for this is a little strange, and makes the variable declaration look like a function call. You have to remember that in these cases you are calling the constructor. In this case, you have to call the constructor as there is not a constructor with no parameter (which is also known as the default constructor). If you want to be able to declare a stock variable without having to pass in the stock id and value, then you can add a second constructor that takes no parameters and initialises the id and value to some set defaults.