Test Your Knowledge
Creating a Film and TV Show Database
In this project, you will need to develop a database for managing user’s watched movies, including; ratings/reviews, genres, and displaying movies by separate attributes such as their genre or by their average rating. Each movie will have a name, description, a genre, and a list of any reviews left for that movie. A review can be left by a user which will contain some text describing why they left a review as well as a score from 0 - 10.
Your program needs to:
- Display different functionality as different “screens”
- Handle user input to change screens
- Include Account, Review, Movie, and Database structs
- Include the ability to add, remove, and modify Movies and Reviews
- Include a browsing screen which the user can view all movies
- Include a browsing screen which the user can specify specific attributes to browse for
- These displays should include the option to filter by specific attributes such as a certain Genre or above a certain Rating
Creating a Tile-Based RPG
In this project, you will need to develop the groundwork for a Tile-Based Role Playing Game (RPG) where the screen will be separated up into different square tiles in which the player can move between these tiles. Tiles can be either traversable or non-traversable such as water and grass. Coins will spawn throughout the level and can be picked up by the player. The game will end once the player collects enough of these coins.
Your program needs to:
- Draw the Tile-Based world where each tile will be represented by a differently coloured squares
- Grass = Green
- Water = Blue
- Dessert = Yellow
- Spawn the character onto an appropriate starting tile
- Spawn 20 coins throughout the world on randomly selected non-water tiles
- Moving onto a tile with a coin should collect the coin
- Moving onto a Grass tile should have a 10% chance to give a coin to the player
- Moving onto a Dessert tile should have a 5% chance to take a coin away from the player
- The game should end upon collecting 15 coins