Rock Dodge Game
Create a rock dodge game.
The rock dodge game will have:
- a number of rocks being dodged (the system needs to support up to 100 rocks)
- a score
- the position of the player (x and y)
- the time for the next rock to appear
- a number of lives (3 to start)
Each rock will have:
- a position (x and y)
- a size
- a speed
The game will work as follows:
- The player should appear in middle of the lower part of the screen. They…
- Can move left and right based on input from the user.
- Must not collide with any of the falling rocks.
- Get a point for every rock that is created.
- Every update (60 times a second):
- Update the game:
Every one to six seconds, a new rock is added. This will occur when the game’s next rock to appear time is less than the current time (which you can get by calling the current_ticks() function). When this occurs, add a new rock (if there is capacity).
A new rock is given:
- A random size (between 20 and 200)
- A y value that starts it above the top of the screen (y is
- size
) - A random position across the screen - from 0 to screen width
- A random speed (from 1 to 5)
When a rock is added, add one to the game’s score.
Set the game’s next rock to appear time to be equal to the current time plus a random value between 1000 and 6000.
Add the speed value of each rock to its y position
Check if any rock is off the screen, when one does off
- Add the size of the rock to the game’s score.
- Remove the rock from the game
Check if the player has been hit by any rock, when they have:
- Remove the rock that hit them.
- Subtract one from their lives.
- Handle input:
- Check if the player wants to move, and move them left/right by 3 pixels
- Draw the game:
- Clear the screen
- Draw the score, and number of lives
- Draw the player - a circle, using the player location and a constant size.
- Draw each of the rocks - a circle, using the rock location, and the rock’s size.
- Refresh the screen - so the user can see it
- Update the game:
- The game ends when the user requests to quit, or they have 0 lives.