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Reaction game

Create a small target clicking game that works on reaction time to scale difficulty. When the game starts, fill a circle on the screen in a random location. The objective is to click this as quickly as possible.

When the target is clicked, move it to a new position and adjust the radius to be proportional to the time taken. If the user takes more than 1 second (1000ms) make the circle slowly grow larger.

Show the number of targets hit, and the number of milliseconds of the fastest reaction.

Make sure to create a game struct, this should contain the details for the target (its position and radius), the timer, and score details. Pass this to procedures that draw game (pass it the game, and have it do all the drawing) update game (pass it the game and have it grow the circle), and handle input (to check if the user has clicked the circle).

Use pass-by-reference so that update game and handle input can update the game based on user interactions. Test out what happens when you remove the &. Make sure to use pass by reference in draw game - think about why this would be useful.