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Procedures and functions are useful for grouping code, but in most cases the instructions they contain need to be given values to work with. These values can be passed to the function or procedure using parameters. A parameter is a variable that has its value set by an argument in the procedure call. You have already seen how to provide values to functions and procedures when calling them, but now we will explore how to add and use parameters in our own functions and procedures.

As shown in the following image, you can picture parameters as variables that sit on the boundary of the function or procedure. Each parameter is a variable, which can be accessed in the function or procedure’s instructions.

Functions and Procedures can accept parameters

When a procedure is called, the arguments provide the values for the parameters. This allows the caller to give data to the function or procedure. The example below demonstrates this for with the fill_circle procedure. This has parameters for the color, position (x and y values), and radius for the circle. These are used in the procedure to draw the shape. During the call, you provide the values for these in the arguments, allowing the one function/procedure to draw any number of circles.

Arguments provide the value for the parameter when the function or procedure is called

Parameters - when, why, and how

In most cases your functions and procedures will need to know things in order to perform their actions. Perhaps the easiest way to think about this is as if you were asked to do the task. If you were asked to put something in the bin, you would need to be told what to dispose of. In a program, this could be coded as a dispose procedure, where the thing to dispose would be the parameter.

As you start to create a function or procedure, think about what it will need to be told in order to perform its actions. Code these as parameters, and you can then pass the actual values to use as arguments.

Think about the different functions and procedure we have been calling already. When you call open_window you passed in arguments for the title, width, and height of the window. This means there are three parameters in this procedure, the first accepting the value for the title, the second the width, and the third the height. The open_window code uses these values when it creates the window you see appear on the screen.

In C/C++

Parameters are an optional addition to any function or procedure declaration. The syntax in both cases is the same — in between the declarations parentheses you write variable declarations (without initialisation), separated by commas. Each variable is a single parameter.


Procedures with parameters

The following code shows an example of a procedure with parameters.

using std::to_string;
void print_equation(int m, double x, int c)
double solution = m * x + c;
write_line( to_string(m) + " x " + to_string(x) + " + " + to_string(c) + " = " + to_string(solution));
int main()
print_equation(2, 5.1, 3);
print_equation(7, 2.74, -8);
return 0;

The print_equation procedure accepts three parameters: m, x, and c. This means that when print_equation is called, it must be passed three argument value. The first value will be passed to the m parameter, the second to x, and the third to c.

The swiper below explores how this code works.

Functions with parameters

Now let’s look at an example of a function with parameters. There are three function declarations in the code below: square, point_in_circle, and main. Each of these performs a number of steps and returns a value.

  • The square function accepts a val parameter, and returns the square of this. This is achieved with a single line of code, but helps make the other code more readable.
  • In point_in_circle, we accept parameters for the point (pt_x and pt_y) and the circle (c_x, c_y, and c_radius) and return a boolean value indicating if the point is within the circle. To achieve this, we can get the distance from the point to the center of the circle using the Pythagorean theorem, which we store in a local variable called distance, and then compare this with the circle’s radius to get the result.
  • The main function is the entry point, and returns a value that indicates if the program completed successfully or not. Returning 0 at the end indicates the program succeeded. Any other value is treated as an error code.
#include "splashkit.h"
using std::to_string;
using std::sqrt;
double square(double val)
return val * val;
bool pount_in_circle(double pt_x, double pt_y, double c_x, double c_y, double c_radius)
double distance = sqrt(square(pt_x - c_x) + square(pt_y - c_y));
return distance <= c_radius;
int main()
write_line("5 squared is " + to_string(square(5)));
write_line("A point at 1, 3 is in a circle at 0, 0, with radius 4: " + to_string(point_in_circle(1, 3, 0, 0, 4)) );
return 0;

Notice we can use the square function in the calculation in point_in_circle. Once you have a function that calculates something, you can call it any time you need that value.

The great thing about parameters is that they really help you generalise what your functions and procedures can do. By accepting a value parameter, the square function can be used to square any double value. Similarly, by accepting parameters for the point and circle, the point_in_circle function can work for any point in any circle.