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You can require callers to pass values to a function or procedure you are creating by adding parameters. A parameter is a variable that has its value set by an argument in the function/procedure call. The caller must provide a value for each parameter in the function or procedure call.

Annotated code for a parameter


In this program the read_string function has a string parameter. This means that callers must provide a single argument with the string to be assigned to the prompt.

#include "splashkit.h"
* Prompt the user to enter a string, and return the value to the caller.
* @param prompt The message to show the user
* @returns The data entered by the user
string read_string(string prompt)
string result;
result = read_line();
return result;
void main()
string name;
// The call to read_string has to have one argument
// the string value is passed to the prompt parameter
name = read_string("Enter your name: ");
write_line("Hello " + name);
string message;
// This makes the function more general - we can use
// it to read in different string value as long as we
// provide a prompt for the user
message = read_string("Enter a message: ");
return 0;