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Music Player

We can use sequence and data to play around with the sound playing features of SplashKit. This program will ask the user to enter the path to a sound effect to play, how long to play it for, an initial volume and a final volume. This will then output messages saying what it is doing, while it plays the music.

Welcome to the music play test
What file would you like to load? Enter path: /Users/andrew/Downloads/test.ogg
What should I call this music? Enter name: Test1
Loading Test1 music from /Users/andrew/Downloads/test.ogg
How long do you want to play it for? Enter seconds: 30
At what initial volume? Enter percent (0 to 1): 0.50
At what repeat volume? Enter percent (0 to 1): 1.00
Playing Test1 at 0.5 volume for 30 seconds...
Stopping music
Playing Test1 at 1.0 volume for 30 seconds...
Stopping music