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House Drawing

As with the travel calculator, we want to get started quickly. So kick things off with a new folder, and a dotnet project called House Drawing.

  1. Open your terminal, and set up your project

    Terminal window
    # Move you your code projects folder
    cd ~/Documents/Code # or cd /c/Users/andrew/Documents/Code
    # Create and move into a folder for the project
    mkdir HouseDrawing
    cd HouseDrawing
    # Create a blank dotnet project
    dotnet new console
    # Add the SplashKit library
    dotnet add package splashkit
    # Open in VS Code
    code .
  2. Add the using directives to access the SplashKit and Convert code.

    • At this point you should just have these two lines of code.

      using static System.Convert;
      using static SplashKitSDK.SplashKit;